<div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/45943371" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div> App for streamer

App for streamer. Overview.

1) Authorization

On the first launch, it is necessary to log in through the Yandex.Money account. Streamer’s profile will be created in the system or data will be loaded about an already existing account

If you do not have an Yandex.Money account, click on the "Register an account" button, which redirects to the account creation page.

2) Main menu

After the authorisation or subsequent launches of the application, you get to the main application menu where you can create new broadcasts, set up an account, create collection goals and go to the history of broadcasts and donations.

When selecting "New Stream", go to the process of creating a new broadcast. If there is already an active broadcast - then by clicking on "Current Stream", you will return to it.

Account settings allow you to update your account information, change the appearance of the display of donations and goals.

3) Create new stream

When creating a new broadcast, the streamer is offered to automatically import the main data: the name of the broadcast, the logo and the channel name, the preview, the link to the broadcast, logged in to the appropriate platforms.

It is also possible to create a broadcast through any other streaming platform by selecting "Other"

4) Setting up a new broadcast

Once you are on the "New stream" screen, you are asked to fill out the broadcast information (name, channel, link), set the settings for donations (length of text and voice messages)

By clicking on the "Form" button, a link is copied to the clipboard on the form to send donations during streaming.

To get an image of QR code, where users can quickly find the broadcast in the application YaStream, click on the "Game Code"

After you make all the changes, click on "Let's go" and the audience will be able to start sending you donations.

5) Control panel(console) during the broadcast

The program's console is a compact screen with a working prototype of the player, with which the streamer will be able to quickly check the normality of the donate, immediately respond to it or on the contrary skip so as not to display the message on the stream.

History of donations and streams

It's not always possible for a broadcaster to respond to each of the given donates directly on the stream in online mode. For this purpose, the program is given a section such as the history of donations, with a detailed listing of past donations, including in advance responded and left unattended, in order to respond to donate via the chat system of the service.

History of broadcasts is also available.